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/ Night Owl 17 / Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO / 046a / _xygraf.zip

Fonts (4)
NamePreview NamePreview

Borland Graphics Font

1994-05-30 (4KB)
No Preview Available  LCOM.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1994-05-30 (8KB)
No Preview Available

Borland Graphics Font

1994-05-30 (3KB)
No Preview Available  TRIP.CHR

Borland Graphics Font

1994-05-30 (13KB)
No Preview Available

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
BIRD.VEC Text File 119 1KB 1995-01-14
CALENDAR.VEC Text File 109 2KB 1995-03-02
DEMO.CPP C/C++ Source or Header 326 11KB 1995-02-28
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 12 443b 1995-03-04
GRAF.VEC Text File 232 9KB 1995-03-02
GRAPHICS.TXT Text File 340 16KB 1995-03-03
MEMORY.TXT Text File 52 3KB 1995-02-27
README.TXT Text File 118 6KB 1995-03-04
RESET.VEC Text File 12 59b 1995-02-17

Other Files (5)
DOS_DEMO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 69KB 1995-03-03
SLANG.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 225KB 1995-03-04
WIN_DEMO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 142KB 1995-02-28
XY_GRAF.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 133KB 1995-03-03
EGAVGA.BGI Borland Graphics Interface Driver 6KB 1994-05-30